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Device List

The device list stores a list of known devices that exist on the network, identified by MAC address. It is similar to the Host Viewer except

  • Devices are identified by MAC address
  • The device list is saved to the disk
File:Device List.png
An example device list

The device list can help you manage and identify all the known devices on your network. If a device that (on any non-WAN interface) is discovered, it will automatically be added to the device list. Because of this the device list permanently stores a list of all devices ever seen on the local network.

The device list stores an assortment of information about each device.

Column Information
MAC Address The MAC address of the device. This is the primary key.
MAC Vendor If known, this is the manufacturer of the MAC Address according to the public OUI database.
Hostname The last known hostname of this device
Device Username The username associated with this device.
HTTP - User Agent The last known HTTP - User Agent of this device
Last Seen Time The last time this device was seen on the network

The device table can be a useful tool to identify devices on the network.

For devices that are not "shared" between users, the administrator can set the Device Username and this username will be used for traffic from this device if no other username is known.

There is an alert in Apps > Reports > Reports#Alert Rules called "New device discovered" that can be enabled to alert the adiminstrator whenever a new device is discovered.

Note: Because the device list is based on MAC address, and MAC addresses to NOT transit beyond the immediate ethernet segment, Untangle is unable to see the MAC addresses of clients behind another router. The device table, and MAC addresses in general, are only useful to "flat" networks that do not have internal routers that "hide" MAC addresses.